Cheme-Computer provides support for software issues related to break-fix situations but does not offer expertise in software usage. We offer assistance with software installs, compatibility issues, crashes/freezes, and setup. However, we cannot address “How do I” questions; for such inquiries, MIT IS&T offers support through the help desk at 617-253-1101, covering Microsoft Office and all MIT websites and applications.
We are available to assist with application installs and setups for the following listed applications:
MIT Licensed:
- Microsoft Office (including Outlook setup)
- Sapgui
- CrashPlan
- CertAid
- Adobe Creative Cloud
- Cambridge Structural Database
- Citrix Desktop
- CrowdStrike
- Dropbox
- Duo
- Maplesoft
- MathWorks
- Kerberos
- Sophos
- Secure CRT/FX for Windows
Cheme Licensed:
- Aspen
- Gaussian
- Materials Studio
- MathType
- Origin
We also offer operating system installation support for:
- Windows 10, 11, and Server 2022
- macOS 13 and later
- Linux 21 and later